Pea Patch
Pea Patch Story
In 2006, several property owners had a vision to start a pea patch garden. They thought the horse shoe pit behind the tennis court near the clubhouse would be sunny and was partially fenced.
The horse shoe pit was relocated to the North Beach (made sense to be in a picnic area) and several property owners had pancake breakfasts to raise funds for the new fencing. About half of the funds were raised that first Spring and the remainder raised by requiring a $50 first time fee and a yearly $25 fee, to pay for the cedar plank plot borders and the soil.
The second year we spread gravel because the area was muddy in the spring and added a bulletin board for communicating. Some people leave left over seeds for others to use pinned to the board, which is a nice surprise!
The garden, which we named “Garden of Weedin", has been a joy to many of us, providing fruit, vegetables, herbs, flowers, birds, and butterflies! Hope you can join us, drop by and take a look around late July and August when it is in full bloom!
Pea Patch Rules:
  • Use of a Storage Space is one year, unless sooner revoked. Terms are annual and begin January 1st and end December 31st. There are no monthly rates and there are no refunds for early termination.
  • Pea Patch lessees must begin cultivating their plot no later than April 1
  • Hartstene Pointe Pea Patch garden is for growing and harvesting flowers, vegetables and herbs by our property owners, and for starting erosion control plants for re-planting in the Pointe’s Common Area.
  • Illegal plants or noxious weeds are not permitted.
  • Planting corn is prohibited as it attracts raccoons.
  • Pea patch planter boxes (plots) shall not be modified by lessee.
  • Soil is replaced by those using the plots, as needed.
  • Please respect the rights of the other garden plots and help prevent damage to their plants.
  • Plants should not exceed 6 feet to avoid shading the nearest plots.
  • Organic gardening is encouraged; however, slug bait may be used. Diatomaceous earth aids in pest control.
  • Children under 12 years must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.
  • Dogs and other pets are not allowed inside the garden.
  • Smoking/Vaping and loud music is prohibited.
  • The garden will be kept free of litter and garden debris. At the end of a growth cycle, gardeners are required to remove dead and spent plants, unused tomato wire cages, stakes, etc. A trash can is provided but not regularly emptied. Whenever possible take your debris directly to the dumpster. Plots must remove dead and spent plants and ready their plots for the dormant season.
  • Gardeners with unattended plots (heavy weeds or rotting plants) will be notified in writing to correct the problem.
  • Gardeners are asked to keep the aisles around their plots free of weeds and grass.
  • As a courtesy to neighboring homes hours of operation for the pea patches shall be 8 am to dusk.