Hartstene Pointe is a community, but also a place where people can be by themselves, and enjoy the natural environment.
No one is pressured to engage in community activities -- but at the same time, the community welcomes people to join together to participate in activities and governance issues.
It's your choice!
Many people at the Pointe volunteer to join the Board of Directors, Board Committees, ad-hoc Committees, or just lend their voice to governance issues.
We encourage owners to do this, as we are all owners and stewards of the Pointe - and have a responsibility to contribute our thoughts and work for the betterment of our community.
Activities at the Pointe
Most activities at the Pointe are initiated and organized by volunteers or ad-hoc groups.
Participating in social and recreational activities is an excellent way to connect with your neighbors and community.
No pressure, no expectations -- just do what is comfortable for you.
Examples of recurring events:
Examples of occasional events:
... and these are just a sampling